Alicia and I met back in 2011 completely by chance at a National Camera Exchange tent sale. We were both fairly new photographers, and I remember feeling very overwhelmed by all the lighting equipment options, when we struck up a conversation. I don’t remember exactly how it happened, but we became fast friends…scouting new locations, doing practice shoots for our portfolios, and going out to new restaurants together. Over the years we’ve navigated so many things together…growing our photography businesses, the pain of relationships ending, the excitement of new ones beginning, marriage proposals (she hid in the bushes, in full camouflage, for 30 minutes just so she could capture that special moment for me and Jon), our weddings, our journeys to and through parenthood. Now that we don’t live within practical driving distance from one another, and our days are filled with potty training, singing wheels-on-the-bus, and slinging snacks, we don’t see each other as often. Our conversations look more like seven-and-a-half-minute Voxer messages that are met with late night replies once our littles are asleep. Our friendship has grown and changed just as our lives have, and it is one that I treasure. I was so honored to capture this early morning maternity session at Excelsior Beach for my friend and her beautiful family. I can’t wait to meet their little guy later this month!
Bird Island, MN